Part 16: The Astronomers
Update 15 - The Astronomers
So we need to come up with a plan to get the factory shut down... The only thing we really know is that the factory is the life of the entire city... but nobody likes it. The owner of the factory is a man called the Baron, but he hasn't even left the factory or been seen by anyone in decades. The only real lead we've got right now is talking to Miriam and she what she says.

Ugh, it kinda smells too. This town is grody.
That... wasn't helpful Miriam. Also, grody is a word that I hadn't heard since I was in 7th grade. That's not a negative thing, just a "Wow I'm getting old" thing.

There has to be some way to stop the factory... Come on! Go figure it out!
Thanks a lot Miriam! In her defense, she did find the nexus point and the Overseer song. While poor Bard was laying in bed depressed. Well... the only thing we can really do now is check out the rumors we've heard across town. There's the dog at 9:30, the astronomer that's happening right now at Beth's diner, and Mask mentioned something happening behind the observatory at dawn. So... let's talk to the astronomer and see what she has to say.
MUSIC: Chismest Indoor
Here's the astronomer! We made it just in time before she heads back! I most certainly didn't forget that Beth's Diner was right next to the outskirts and had to loop across town to get there. Why would you accuse me of such things!?

I haven't seen you around town before... allow me to introduce myself. I'm Elara, the astronomer. I've been observing some interesting celestial activity... The stars... one by one, they're... going out. Unfortunately, with the factory's smog output, I can't see
flapping whizzbats in the sky anymore.

So, I can't continue my research on that phenomenon. Instead I've taken to watching the town. Plotting... subterfuge.

I can see you don't have much to say, so I'll just keep talking. I've figured out how one could shut down the factory. I just need a cohort.
"A cohort?"
"Why an accomplice?"
"Why should I?"

Well in that case, you've convinced me. I'll do it!

Whoah. Seems reverse psychology works, after all. I'm impressed. Nobody's taken me up on this yet. We need people on the inside to help us. We'll have to recruit them from the people of this town. Specifically, people who are awake during the day, but unemployed. I need your help to find them since I live nocturnally. If we gather 3 such people, we could infiltrate the factory... and use this diner as a nightly meeting spot. The factory must be taken down. For the good of everyone. Good luck.
So Bard just joined a group looking to shut down a factory through subterfuge, sabotage, and manipulation. Another name for this kind of a group are terrorists
The head of our cell, Elara, does offer tips as to who we should look for in our recruitment efforts.

There's a man who is constantly crying around the town during the day. He seems to have no direction in life... so he would probably be willing to help us. Find out what he wants...
You thought I was joking, huh? But no, we are absolutely trying to target the weakest links of society to recruit them into our cell. Sure, one man's terrorist cell is another man's freedom fighter brigade. But it still makes me laugh at what we're doing.
The main questline for this area has officially begun! We are given a strong hint as to who are first recruit should be... but we've got something more important coming up.
It's almost dawn, and Mask mentioned to be behind the observatory when dawn occurs at 7 AM.
Here's the observatory itself. I don't think it's possible to get inside. During the night it's closed off with a note on the door saying "Gone to diner" then during the day it's not interactable.
Our objective is here, in this beautifully colored forest. We simply need to wait till dawn and...

Hey now, wanderer. You did good, finding me here... Do you feel it? This place... it's got this vibe goin' on. It's trying to tell us something... It's telling us... it's time to DANCE. Relax, wanderer. Let the dance in.
VIDEO: Fourth Dance
VIDEO: Fourth Dance

Beautiful dance wanderer. Carry it with you on your journey. Show the world the dance that lives inside you...
The dance itself is good, but oh my gosh with bard's sad face it's just utterly perfect
We make it back to the city a little before 9 AM, and we just so happened to run into Miriam who will now be part of the city's time cycle. Let's talk to her and update her on what's going on with the
terrorist group book club.

Well? Anything???

I met an astronomer from here... She wants to shut down the factory, too.

So what do I blast?


She's a scientist, right? So she knows where to hit to knock out the whole system!
What do I blast?!

...We aren't blasting anything.


We're gonna get sad people from around town... and mess it up from inside.

Oh. Okay... I liked my plan better.
I did too... but how else will we seize the factory for the proletariat if it's destroyed!?

But I guess... we'll do yours instead. Well, let me know if you wanna hear rumors from around town... or something. Not like I have anything
else to do.
The astronomer will only tell us about the crying guy. Miriam, however, will tell us about another guy we can enlist to the Burger Kings Terrorist Cell.

There's that sad guy on the roof around here. You know, constantly playing music. He seems depressed. Maybe he'll help us.
... Miriam he's right there. He's literally within spitting distance of us both.

That sad guy on the roof seems like your type. All musical and mopey. But how the heck do you get up there...?
The stairs? Duh.
We still have some time to kill before we can help the sad guy with the dog, so let's check out roof guy and see if he likes reading!

You seem sad and aimless!
Bard, we're recruiting for a terrorist group, not the army! Be more subtle!

Wanna, um... help overthrow the factory?

My love, unrequited... How can I forget her?

But I have written my feelings in this letter. Please, deliver it to her... She stands in front of the factory every day, from 11:30AM to 6:30PM. I know because I can't take my eyes off her. And I don't even know her name...
You have an undying love for a woman who's name you don't even know? At least the captain vaguely met the mermaid.
When you hear my balalaika... do you think of me? Will my feelings ever reach you? Will you set my heart free? Oh, girl in front of the factory... from 11:30AM to 6:30PM... why do you make my heart sing so...
Aww. Well, let's go see who the lucky girl is! Maybe it's Tanya? I don't think she works during the day. Or maybe Lori. For his sake I hope it's not Siobhan... the puns would... be too cruel.
Alright cool! She should be here for the next few hours. Let's take a look around.
Oh hey! Miriam is here too! Let's see if she wants to help us look for a girl standing around here.

What do you want?


Well, I have this letter... For a girl... standing here... at this time?

I guess so??

What is this? This is...
SFX: Miriam Angry
Take this back to him!!!

I've never gotten a letter like that before...
(Bleeeeeeeeech) Find the guy who wrote me that letter and give him that back!!
...WELP! Let's go... break a man's heart in a billion pieces
Along the way we ended up running into Siobhan, I didn't mean to talk to her until we finished this part but... Bard made me put it here because...
HOW can I resist not putting that in!?

Oh my! What a question! But I'm quite busy with the mail, as you can see... sorry to
stamp out your dreams!
SFX: Slidewhistle

I tried to
letter you down easy!
SFX: Slidewhistle

This was all your fault. You could have just not openly called for the destruction of the factory, and I wouldn't have included your pain.
Alright... time to break Peter's heart.

Um. I have a letter for you.

From her?



This is...


She's agreed...
to meet me!!! Oh. Wait... she also said... "don't tell the weird bard!!!"

That's definitely me.

Alas... already I have broken a promise... But what is a love that doesn't know second chances?


Every moment without her is pain... I await our meeting with continued sadness. Though, slightly less sadness than before she agreed to meet me.

That's cool! Also...

We have meetings in the diner every night.

I will be there.

My love... She is so... fierce.


And grumpy.

Hmm. Yep.

And easily annoyed.



She's perfect.
We have our first recruit! Hopefully his date with Miriam goes well... hahaha it's going to go sooo badly. Oh well, at least the guy will get a cool story and a scar to show everyone after it's over.
He does talk a bit more about the factory before we go...

The factory has infected the very heart of this city... Its darkness is suffocating. I look forward to our nightly diner meeting.
For whatever reason, talking to Peter doesn't stop time like with everyone else. So despite the fact that we started talking to him at 2:30 PM, it's now 9:00. We can't help Winston and the dog today, so we'll spend the night talking to people about the factory some more.
And maybe seeing how primed they are for a revolution.
Vlad here is a... horrible start, but Lori had nothing new to say so... Mr. Bar owner, how susceptible are you to communist sympathies?

It's going better than I thought it would, honestly.

I thought this question might come someday... Let me say this: The factory may be an evil place, but the Baron is not an evil man. At least, not when I knew him. It was always his dream to build this empire...And I cannot stand against the dream of a friend.
Compassionate words, though I'm sure your feelings on this matter have nothing to do with the fact that you're the only one who gets to profit off of everyone's misery. Surely not...
It was, admitedly, dumb of us to start at the top. So let's start at the bottom...

Do you want to overthrow the factory?

Whoah... I definitely don't love it... But... overthrowing an entire factory... that sounds like a lot... I'd rather not rock the boat...
There's one off the list... Tanya, how bout you?

Do you wanna overthrow the factory?
Whaaaaaaat??? Do you even know what you're saying?? The factory is everything here... Chismest'd be nothin without it! Be careful where you say stuff like that...
Oh it's okay, we've already asked the mail lady and the bar owner. I'm pretty sure the only way we could be more stupid about this would be to ask a policeman or the Baron himself.
Everyone on the right side has nothing to say, or nothing new to say... so Johann? Feeling like a little sabotage tonight?
NO!!! My muscles deny you! There would be nothing left without the factory here! I intend to work there... until I become the Baron someday!! Haa!
Ah... one of
those types, eh? Fine! Your muscles aren't welcome in our Book Club anyway!
Ok... well, all that's left is Boris... and I doubt he'll say yes.

Do you want to overthrow the factory?
Vhat!!! This is crazy-talk! Factory is only way of life. And I have family to vorry about, now. I cannot do this thing you ask.

Well, there's half the town that won't join up.
Hmm. Let's think about this a little bit... someone who is unemployed during the day. Who's unemployed around here besides us...? I GOT IT!!

...Hey mom...

That sounds like fun... but your momma is too tired for that kind of action! Those days are behind me, muffin. You'll have to find some other friends to help you. Good luck...
Wait... those days are behind you?? What... what were you doing when you were younger mom!?
While we're here... let's check in with Miriam and see if anything's changed on her end after her...

That whiny dude really seems like he needs a friend. How could anyone deal with someone so whiny, though? I can't imagine what that must be like...
We deal with it okay, so surely there must be another Bard out there.
She just repeats over and over again about Winston, the whiny dude. So let's head down to the bar and check on our tupperware club.

I've devised a name for our little group of comrades... "The Astronomers." We see above the trappings of this machine city, to a factory-free future. The people of this city must be free of the factory. We, the Astronomers, can see the path to that destiny. These people are enslaved by machinery. We'll stop the factory and establish a new order...

That is a bit more than what I had in mind...
Already, our group managed to split into revisionists. We only have three members!!
Elara has nothing new to say, but we should ask Beth. She's gainfully employed... but it doesn't seem like something she's happy about.

...Hey... Do you wanna help overthrow the factory?


Do I look crazy to you? Don't involve me in whatever this is. I've got a diner to run.
Too late! We already use your place as a hideout.

But... good luck.
Hey! We got some words of encouragement, at least! That's better then getting shot down like before.
Before we leave Beth's place, we're gonna grab some grub from her (free of charge somehow) and head out the door.
If we wait a bit, that poor doggo will come by Beth's looking for a meal. So, let's give it some!

We've got the group mascot!!!
Since we fed the dog, so long as we stay within this area, it will follow us around! This isn't useful for anything, but the cute dog is following us around, who cares about if it does anything useful!
Since we have some time to kill, let's go on reconnaissance of our target area... and by that I mean work a shift in the factory.
VIDEO: Factory Man

Come right this way!!!

Here at this factory, we make
Happy Kid! It's the happiest kid of all! And everyone's favorite toy! You could say we're like a big happy family! Hee hee
Elmer then... zooms off into the distance. Which is uh... a bit creepy.
Hee hee! I'm so excited! You'll have a great time working here. I just know it!
Just a bit farther now!!!
Are we heading into the pit of hell!? What the hell is this place?
Here we are! Isn't it wonderful??? Modern machinery working in perfect harmony!!! It fills me with such joy...


WELL! Let me show you what your job is!!!

OK!!! Make us proud!
MUSIC: Happy Little Worker
So the factory... is both the most boring minigame and kinda terrifying, while also being a really good story moment. As Elmer said, you pick up a piece of coal...
...and throw it into the furnace.
When you throw the coal into the furnace, the screen goes red and Elmer begins to laugh. He does this every time you throw the coal in. This process can take about 12 times of picking up the coal and throwing it into the furnace, all while listening to Elmer laughing manically. It's... kinda great actually. It also shows off why Winston would rather be unemployed, alone, and miserable rather than work here. I think it's the only time I've ever complimented a minigame for being boring. When the clock ends...


Your shift is done! Now let's see how you did... on the
MUSIC: The Prize Screen
Yes, the Prize Screen is real, strong... but it is NOT my friend.

I know you're dying to stay and work forever... but a good worker needs rest! Come back tomorrow!!!
And we're dropped back here at 6... and told to do it again tomorrow. Man, ain't working great!?
I also didn't get rid of the last coal, so I get to keep it I guess. Since the factory shift is over, it's now the perfect time to help Winston and the dog! So first, we go get some grub from Beth again... but this we go find Winston with it before he tries to pet the dog at 9:30 PM.

That food smells... Dogs like food, right? Can you bring that somewhere for me? I want you to be waiting at 9:30PM in front of the Clocktower Pub. And don't forget to bring food!!! I have a plan...
Winston... don't you... have food of your own? Why do you need me to provide the food? Whatever, we'll just bring the plate of food we currently have to the Clocktower Pub and wait until Winston gets there in an hour. When he does...
Hey... You actually came!!! Can I... have your plate?

I forgot what this felt like...

Cool! Also... do you want to help me shut down the factory?


You mean the factory that has ruined this whole town? And took all the jobs?
SFX: Winston Cry
So that I had no choice but to make Happy Kid?? Or be alone forever???

Yeah, I think that one!

Yes. I will help you.

We meet at the diner every night.
We've got our next recruit! Winston's not too bad a guy, and surely his pup will help him become a better person. The better question is... who's left that could join? We asked everyone else including our own mom! Maybe... Miriam has some thoughts on this??
MUSIC: Order March
Your friend has been here all day... Not that I mind the company! But I think something has upset her... Did you hurt her feelings, muffin? Did you break her heart? Oh... why did I raise a child with such good looks...
Mom it's... it's not like that. Jeez mom, don't do this.
Talk to her muffin! Brighten her day with your magical smile!
That, however, is a good idea. What could be bothering Miriam? Did her date go that badly? I didn't expect
her heart to get broken.

Just one more!

Hrmmm. You're on your own with this one. I can't think of anyone. Everyone in this lousy town already has a job...

What about you?

What? No.

Come on, Miriam!!


Why can't you help us?


Why me?

Because you're the only one left!

Real flattering. Glad to be your last resort.

You know... This used to be
my adventure. Just me and grandma Saphy. But ever since you showed up... somehow I never get to do anything anymore. Even though
I'm the one with the magic powers. How do you think that feels? She probably thinks I'm useless. She trusted me
so little she asked you to help me.
SFX: Miriam Angry
You basically proved her right!!!

How do you think
that feels?

I...! Well... I think I know how that feels... like when I found out someone else was the hero. It made me feel so... pointless. I don't belong on an adventure.

Yeah except you're obviously useful! You sing us through every problem!
You're obviously useful! You can fly and you always know what to do next!


Somehow... hearing that from you... doesn't make me feel better at all.

Me neither. But that's why we gotta do this! Together! We gotta prove that we aren't useless! We can't do it if we don't try!

Okay... fine. I'll help. This time! I'll see you at the nighttime diner meeting.
Our Miriam is getting a little bit less grumpy. Though her reasons for being grumpy are a bit understandable. She thought she was the hero, who was going to save the world... and then Bard so clearly was everything she wasn't - personable, happy, and talented in the exact ways needed to save the world. What Bard has been dealing with this whole act, she's been having to come to terms with since Act 2 started.
Let's talk to her a bit more before we head to the hideout.

Your mom reminds me of grandma Saphy... It's nice. I kinda miss her...

Yeah yeah, I'm on your team now or whatever. I'll go to your nightly meetings and stuff. But the point's still to shut down the factory, right? I wonder what'll happen to this town... if we actually do it. The factory's the center of everything...

Sheesh! My back's all tense... from walking in this cold all day. Let's get out of here soon...
Was... that Miriam showing... empathy?? Wow... she really is starting to change! It's now 10:30PM, the perfect time to head to the diner and begin our planning for tomorrow.
On the way there, Miriam and Peter are hanging out. We can't talk to them, and I imagine they aren't talking to each other, but still
MUSIC: Chismest Indoor Balalaika
Here's all the misfits now. All united in one goal -
Advancing the cause of the proletariat Shutting down the factory. We've already talked to Peter before, but Miriam and Winston have some things to say about the new club they've joined.

So this is the secret meeting, huh? How are these bozos gonna shut down the factory...? Everyone here seems all depressed, or nerdy.

Sigh... and now I'm one of them...

I've never been part of a club before! I'm trying to play it cool... So that nobody hates me... The astronomer seems so smart. I didn't think we could actually shut down the factory, but meeting her made me believe it.
We try to make the ring leaders the most charismatic for that reason. Speaking of the ring leader, time to report in!

We have a suitable number of recruits for our subterfuge.

Yes! Soon, the factory will fall... and this city shall be free from the shackles of industry!

Yeah!! Ha ha...
So... All we need to do now, is... take up jobs in the factory. We have to destroy it. From within. Or at least, disrupt its basic order. If we take up positions on the factory floor... we can work together to do that.

I'm excited.

It will be the dawn of a glorious new day... Comrades! Let's join together! And lead this city in the light of a factory-free world!

Yeah!! Ha ha...

That may be going a bit far. But, I appreciate the enthusiasm. All the pieces are gathered. The plan is ready to go into motion. Tomorrow... enter the factory...

I'm beyond eager to resume my research. The stars' vanishing... what could it mean...?
We are ready to take over the factory! All we need to do now is head to the factory tomorrow morning...